Wednesday 6 May 2015

Lao Tse Tao Te King First 5 Topics

Tao Te king Journey Ego to God - Lao Tse

Tao te king was written by Lao Tse Spiritual Guru who write these lines on the Boarder area of China when he was about to leave the country. The King sent his army to stop Lao Tse to write about what he learn about the truth of life. With the condition of giving information about what he learnt about the truth of life. only then they would allow Lao Tse to leave the Country. So this book was written on the Boarder of China- Tao Te King, Lao Tse dont believe that truth can be say with words, In his very first line you will going to see what he said. So in following Lines you can see first five Tips of Lao Tse About the Tao ( Creator or before creator)

1. One cannot cognize Tao only by speaking about It.
One cannot name by a human name that Origin of the sky and the earth which is the Mother of everything.
Only those who are free from earthly passions can see It, and those who have such passions can see only Its Creation.
Tao and Its Creation are One in essence, though are called by different names. The passage which exists between them is a doorway to all the miraculous.

Lao Tse Tao Te King

2. When people know beauty, they also understand
what is ugly.
When people learn what is good, they also realize
what is evil.
In this way, beingness and non-beingness, hard and easy, long and short, high and low allow knowing each other.

Different sounds mix and create harmony. And so the preceding and the succeeding follow each other harmoniously.
The wise prefer non-doing2 and live in quietness.
Everything happens around them as if by itself.
They are not attached to anything on the Earth.
They do not own anything made by them. They are not proud of their works.
Since they do not exalt themselves, do not boast,
do not require special respect from others, they are pleasant to all.

Lao Tse Tao Te King

3. If the chosen are not exalted, no one envies them. If material treasures are not praised, no one steals them. In other words, if the objects of passions are not shown off, there are no temptations.
The wise ruler does not create such temptations for people but takes care that people have enough food. This eliminates passions and strengthens people’s health. The wise ruler always strives to prevent temptations and passions and does not let evil people act.
The absence of these problems brings calm.
That is the calm of mind and body, including stopping of the flow of thoughts. It allows mastering the art of meditation and developing oneself as a consciousness. (Those who are not used to the word non-doing can mentally replace it with the word meditation when reading this text).

3 Here Lao Tse means inner quietness, which is called hesychia in Greek. Hesychasm, an ancient tradition of the Christian mysticism, is named after it

Lao Tse Tao Te King

4. Tao looks like a void. Yet, It is omnipotent!
It is in the Depths.
It is the Origin of everything.
It controls everything.
It pervades everything.
It is Shining Light.
It is the Subtlest!
It is the Main Essence of everything!
One cannot describe Its origin, for It is Primordial.

Lao Tse Tao Te King

5. Matter—both in the sky and on the earth—is dispassionate toward all creatures, be they plants, animals, or people, however, it is the base of all of them.
In the same way, the wise are dispassionate toward others.
The space above the earth is void and free like the space inside a bellows or a flute. The more space there is for action, the more efficient the action can be.
The one who interferes with the actions of others and talks too much becomes unbearable for people.
Therefore, it is always better to follow the principle of non-interference and keep inner calm.

Lao Tse Tao Te King

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